Marcus Chown, consultant

CAN kid ourselves about big questions. What is the origin of mass? What
is dark matter? Does time really exist? But in our heart of hearts
there is only one question we desperately want to answer: what is life
and how did it come about?
Astrophysicist Dimitar Sasselov argues that we are on the brink of being able to answer this question, and his enthusiasm is infectious.
Sasselov cites two key developments. The first will come as no surprise: the discovery of planets outside our solar system.
The total stands at over 700, with new ones being discovered every day.
Rarely in the history of science can a field have advanced at such a
breakneck pace.
Of crucial importance to the life question, which explains Sasselov's title, is a certain type of extrasolar planet,
a super-Earth. These are solid planets of rock and ice between 1 and 10
times the mass of the Earth. We never suspected they existed because,
in our own solar system, with its rocky terrestrial planets and bloated
gas giants, such bodies are conspicuous by their absence.
is these super-Earths that are key, argues Sasselov. They are even more
attractive as life-bearing worlds than our home planet. They have a
relatively small surface area to volume ratio, for instance, so they
are better at holding on to their internal heat than Earth. That makes
them likely to have the plate tectonics necessary to prevent carbon
dioxide from volcanoes building up to dangerous, Venusian levels. If
born with sufficient ice, super-Earths may even have giant oceans
spanning the surface, 10 times deeper than any ocean on Earth. Think of
those as habitats.
But most importantly, according to
Sasselov, the surfaces of super-Earths will be at temperatures that
permit large molecules to survive over long periods of time and attain
the concentrations necessary for the chemistry of life.
What chemistry? Ah, this is where the second development crucial to the life question comes in: synthetic life.
More specifically, the creation of a chemical system enclosed in a
"vesicle" and capable of life's main functions. According to Sasselov,
this field will enable us to overcome our most crippling handicap: that
we know of only a single instance of life. It will enable us to explore
the limits of biology, to extrapolate from the specific to the general.
And here Sasselov sees the two developments feeding off each other.
Super-Earths will tell us about the chemical environments for alien
life, which will help those seeking synthetic life to zero in on other
And the results of all this striving? To
know ourselves, of course. Only by knowing what is possible, says
Sasselov in this inspirational book, can we ever understand how life got
going on Earth and why it has the characteristics it has. Sasselov
quotes T. S. Eliot: "We must never cease from exploration. And the end
of all our exploration will be to arrive where we began and to know the
place for the first time."
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