There is no peer-reviewed evidence that frack fluid can leak into groundwater (Image: Paul Witney)
if fracking operations are managed properly the risk of accidents will be small
US has led the world in extracting gas from shale but interest is now
spreading elsewhere. The British Geological Survey (BGS) recently
estimated that the UK has 150 billion cubic metres of shale gas, about
half of its more conventional reserves. World shale gas reserves are
450,000 billion cubic metres.
gas has been a success story in the US. But fracking has had some bad
press, with the main concerns being earthquakes and the contamination
of groundwater with gas and chemicals. In the documentary film Gasland, for example, a man is shown igniting water from his kitchen tap.
of the worries are justified. Badly managed fracking has recently been
shown to have contaminated water wells in Wyoming, though this involved
a shallow sandstone reservoir rather than much deeper shale. But with
so many vested interests, getting reliable information is difficult. So
peer-reviewed science must play a big role in deciding what the risks
geologists see contamination of aquifers as unlikely because of the
great difference between the depths at which fracking is carried out
and the shallow aquifers from which we get our water. Put simply, there
is a lot of hard, impermeable rock between the two.
However, there is little peer-reviewed research. A US study from 2011
showed high levels of methane in water wells close to shale gas wells,
but has been criticised for lacking data on levels of background
natural methane in the water. In fact there are very few such baseline
is a little known fact that many aquifers naturally contain methane. So
its presence in tap water is not proof of contamination.
can we tell if fracking has contaminated an aquifer? Shale gas is
generally thermogenic - generated by heat acting on organic matter -
while methane in water is usually biogenic, or generated by bacteria.
Showing that methane in a water well is thermogenic might be a clue
that a fracking operation is leaking, although thermogenic methane is
sometimes found naturally in aquifers so you have to know the baseline
levels. This is why the BGS is working on a baseline survey.
Meanwhile, there is no peer-reviewed evidence that frack fluid can leak into groundwater.
for earthquakes, it is undeniable that fracking causes them because
they are used by geologists to track the progress of fracking
operations. The quakes are usually infinitesimally small, but not
1 April 2011, Blackpool, UK, was struck by a magnitude 2.3 earthquake
that was clearly the result of fracking. Some areas of the UK are used
to quakes of this size but it came as a surprise to the people of
Blackpool, as well as the gas company Cuadrilla. Even so, the energy
released was inconsistent with the claimed damage, including a crack in
a road and a toppled traffic signal.
suggestion to guard against future quakes is to implement a traffic
light system. Operators would have to monitor tremors and if they
started to get bigger fracking would have to stop. They would also have
to avoid fracking near known active faults.
fracking operations are managed properly the risk of accidents will be
small. Diligent monitoring should ensure that companies are doing their
job properly and allow us to safely tap a useful source of energy.
Mike Stephenson, head of energy science at the British Geological Survey in Keyworth
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