What are they sending down there? (Image: Ralph Wilson/AP)
Many fear that by-products of shale fracking – cracking the rock to release its gas – will harm their health. New Scientist examines the evidence
Read more: "Frack responsibly and risks – and quakes – are small"
could call it a fracking mess. Fracturing deep shale deposits by
injecting them with water, sand and chemicals at high pressure - with
the aim of releasing the gas they hold - is causing concern worldwide.
In New York State, officials seeking to lift a 2010 moratorium on
fracking are sifting through 40,000 public comments on a proposal to
regulate the process. Even by the famously opinionated standards of the
Empire State, it's an unprecedented response.
Fracking has taken off in a big way in the north-east US in the past few years, particularly in the huge Marcellus Shale formation, which sits beneath New York, Pennsylvania and other Appalachian states (see map). By 2035, US shale gas production is likely to more than double, according to government projections.
While that should be good for the climate, providing a cleaner
alternative to coal, the dash for gas has triggered its own
environmental controversies. Concerns about tainted drinking water lead
the way.
See interactive graphic: "The shale gas boom"
far, evidence that fracking poses serious risks to human health or the
environment - beyond the pollution associated with fossil fuel
extraction - is scant. But studies are few and hard to interpret, and
feelings are running high: neighbours of new fracking operations
complain of problems like breathing difficulties, nausea and headaches. "When the public is confused, the public is angry," says Bernard Goldstein, an environmental toxicologist at the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
concerns could even bring the shale gas bandwagon to a halt. "If action
is not taken to reduce the environmental impact ... there is a real
risk of serious environmental consequences causing a loss of public
confidence that could delay or stop this activity," advisers to US
energy secretary Steven Chu concluded late last year.
in New York State are expected to decide on how to proceed by the end
of the year. Their deliberations will be watched across the globe. Many
nations have shale deposits that could hugely increase natural gas production, but opposition to their exploitation is growing. Lawmakers in France and Bulgaria have voted to ban fracking, and in the UK, small earthquakes triggered by fracking have caused alarm (see "Frack responsibly and the risks - and quakes - are small").
fact, fracking has been around for decades. Traditionally, water was
pumped into vertical wells to liberate shallower reserves of "tight gas"
trapped in rocks like sandstone. What has changed is the introduction
of technology that allows multiple wells to be drilled from the same
pad, then run horizontally over thousands of metres through deep shale
beds. The amount of water pumped into these wells is far greater than
in tight-gas fracking (see diagram).
technology was first deployed in Texas in the early 2000s, to little
public complaint. It was a different story when production started to
take off in Appalachia, where people are not used to oil and gas
water used in fracking contains sand, to hold new cracks open, plus
small quantities of chemical additives. Their identity is often kept
secret by drilling companies, but they may include lubricants like
mineral oil, ethylene glycol to prevent scale build-up, and glutaraldehyde
to inhibit bacterial growth. Between 10 and 40 per cent of the water
flows straight back up the well pipe within a couple of weeks. Once the
flowback slows, gas can be collected, along with a small amount of
"produced water".
Fracking fluid may be harmful. In addition to the additives, it can pick up toxic salts and volatile organic compounds
such as benzene, xylene and phenols from the rock. Geologists say this
mixture is unlikely to percolate up through a couple of thousand metres
of impermeable rock to reach the shallow groundwater used for drinking.
Indeed, the clearest evidence of groundwater pollution comes from a
much shallower tight-gas frack. In December, the US Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) reported
that groundwater near Pavillion, Wyoming, was contaminated with
chemicals including fracking additives. In this case, some fracking had
occurred just 372 metres down, within the aquifer from which local
people draw their water.
The EPA is now working on a national study of the potential effects on groundwater. It should have initial results by the year's end.
way fracking water - and methane - could enter groundwater is if the
vertical well casing is breached. Methane is not toxic, but it can
Last year, researchers led by Rob Jackson of Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, analysed water from drinking wells above the Marcellus Shale.
They found that wells within 1 kilometre of a shale-gas drilling site
contained 17 times as much methane as those further away (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1100682108).
However, the team found no fracking chemicals or salts from the shale,
and whether the methane came from the fracked zone or from shallower
deposits is in dispute.
if groundwater is untainted, the contaminated fracking water must be
safely disposed of. In Texas, it has been injected even further below
ground, into wells left over from previous drilling. This has caused
most of the earthquakes linked to fracking - which still tend to be too
small to cause harm. In Appalachia few such deep wells are available.
Instead, large companies are recycling their water for future fracks,
while smaller operators are faced with expensive water treatment.
"There's never been an injection earthquake to my knowledge that has
caused damage or injury," says Mark Zoback, a geophysicist at Stanford University in California.
scientists remain worried about illegal discharges and accidents. "You
just know there's going to be spillage and contamination," says William Schlesinger, president of the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in Millbrook, New York.
the water has caused most concern, many of the ailments blamed on
fracking seem more consistent with air pollution. In unpublished work, John Adgate
of the Colorado School of Public Health in Denver found that airborne
volatile organic compounds spike during the initial flowback period.
Could this harm human health? "That's the $64,000 question, and there's
not good data," says Adgate.
lack of data could come to haunt the industry, says Goldstein. In the
absence of any studies linking health to actual human exposures to
pollution, he argues, fracking will get blamed for clusters of disease
- whether or not it is justified. "There will be media attention,
lawsuits, and there will be declines in property values," he says.
"Industry is piling up problems for the long run, and so is government."
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