Monday, January 16, 2012

Health - UK politicians say take two alcohol-free days a week

Take a break <i>(Image: Mauro Bottaro/Anzenberger/Eyevine)</i>
Take a break (Image: Mauro Bottaro/Anzenberger/Eyevine)

TOAST your health by not drinking alcohol for two days a week, says a report by British MPs.
"The evidence we received suggests that people should be advised to take at least two drink-free days a week," said Andrew Miller, chairman of the cross-party House of Commons Science and Technology Committee.
The booze break gives the liver a chance to regenerate, advice echoed in the US by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. The UK government's current recommendations imply that people can safely drink every day if they remain within recommended limits.
Nick Sheron, a liver specialist at the University of Southampton, UK, supports the idea of giving the liver a weekly break, but says an annual "liver holiday" of four to six weeks is more likely to heal liver damage. He says the benefit of a weekly break is more psychological because it proves to people that they can regularly manage without alcohol, and avoids escalation of intake.

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