Paul Marks, senior technology correspondent
A wake of vultures scavenge an animal carcass: what do they do to people?

A wake of vultures scavenge an animal carcass: what do they do to people?
Ever entertained the idea of leaving your body to science?
Even if you have, you can scarcely have considered the strange fate of
one donated corpse that has just been revealed in the journal Forensic Science International:
a donor's body was left in a Texan wilderness so that vultures could
scavenge and "skeletonise" it - and distribute the remains far and wide.
wasn't for some horror movie - even though the process was captured on
video. The aim was to discover how long it takes vultures to discover a
body, how long it takes to reduce a body to bones - and how far the
creatures are likely to distribute the parts they don't eat.
good reason for this grisly work. Researcher Katherine Spradley of
Texas State University in San Marcos say that when human body parts are
found in wilderness areas in the US, detectives can be at a loss as to
the time of death. Has the body been attacked locally by animals? Or
perhaps torn apart by a vultures?
"Vultures throw off the
time-since-death estimation significantly. Prior to our study, if you
came across disarticulated remains you would assume that they were
dismembered by a carnivore - and then remain puzzled when there are no
gnaw marks typical of carnivores," Spradley told New Scientist.
With colleagues Alberto Giordano and Michelle Hamilton they placed a body from the Willed Body Donation Program in the grounds of the Texas State University's Forensic Anthropology Research Facility - "an outdoor human decomposition laboratory" similar to the storied 'body farm' in Tennessee - and left it monitored by a motion-sensing video camera.
The video camera was triggered after 37 days when a 30-strong wake of American black vultures - Coragyps atratus
- discovered the body and set to work consuming it. They reduced it to
bones in just five hours. Both results surprised the researchers: pigs
have been found and consumed by vultures within 24 hours of being left
in the facility. And the skeletonisation was much quicker than the day
they had expected it to take. This will feed into future time-of-death
The spatial pattern of discarded body parts was
mapped by the team using GPS over the next 15 weeks - as vultures came
back and distributed the remains still further - and the researchers
hope this dispersal pattern will aid future forensics work, too.
now need more studies replicating this pilot study," says
Spradley."There could be differences in the time of year and
temperature that affects how active the vultures are."
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